Bob & Lynda's Anniversary
I realize this is not a "great" photo. The point is not the photo, but rather that we've had a "gweat" time this evening with these two people and one more friend, Cyndi.
Bob asked us a week ago if we'd go out with them for their wedding anniversary celebration on Sunday the 17th. Our answer was an immediate "yes!"
So this afternoon the five of us met at Bob & Lynda's place. We all hopped (well, I should say "crawled") into Bob's vintage 1956 Ford. We crawled, because Cyndi, myself, and Mr. Fun all rode in the backseat of this 2-door classic. So 17 miles of freeway found us in the next city at a lovely Spanish restaurant where the five of us had one tremendous time.
Today is Bob & Lynda's 11th wedding anniversary. Years ago after they both found themselves at the exit end of bad marriages, they met each other and a year later married and now have had 11 of some of the best years of their lives. This evening we had the honor of celebrating with them.
The photo reveals that we were going the opposite direction of the majority of the traffic as we drove toward downtown Riverside. After dinner, and even after a wonderful complimentary anniversary dessert that arrived with a fiery flare, we drove toward the University of California at Riverside to a frozen yogurt shop for dessert. After a fun evening, we are now back home.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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