Meeting the Kins

Just over a year ago, chatting on a fb status,
someone else's comments caught mummy's eye,
followed by their 4d scan picture,
Mummy got chatting to this lady,
and discovered she had a little girl, starrlett-Sky,
due not long after me,
they got chatting & chatting & chatting,
face book friends they became,
cooing over bumps pics,
awwwwwwwwing over scan pics,
moaning when babas were late,
note comparing when pains struck,
when I arrived my pictures, loved,
when starrlett-sky finally arrived, her pics adored,
she soon became known as the kins,
me whatever mummy can think of...
Yet person to person, they never quite got round to meeting,
it took one year and the kins first birthday,
for mummy to get herself to cambourne,
to meet these gorgeous twosome,
yesterday was that day, it was fun,
despite me not feeling 100%,
they had cake so that was fine by me,
the kins one very adorable girl,
her mummy is fun,
I hope I get to see her again,
I like the kins xx

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