Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Deer Warning Issued to Motorists

Amongst the gloom and doom of the military spending review news and the devestation which this will wreak to the North Elgin and Forres, was an item from the nanny state team regarding deer.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for taking care when driving and have myself had several encounters over the years with wandering livestock appearing unexpectedly but this is not a new phenomenon. It happens every year and any sane motorist knows that come nightfall in the more rural areas or areas with woodlands around then there is a chance of livestock and extra care is needed

But now we will have a new warning sign especially commissioned to remind us. It will join the ranks of those which already hold our attention so closely, for example "Please Drive Carefully", "Check Your Petrol" and one from the weekend "Please take extra care when towing a trailer"

On the plus side, if the campaign has an impact (no pun intended) then the current estimated cost associated with deer related accidents of around £5m per annum could be substantially reduced.

I am sure in some way that will help to offset the financial impact of the loss of 1600 plus jobs in and around Kinloss.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow. I am not my usual perky self and am feeling grumpy and out of sorts :)

A couple of young deer out on the field. I must have a word with them regarding the above :)

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