Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Wispy Clouds and the Quarry

Boy was it cold this morning. Frost on the grass and the roof of the shed. I am not sure my brave little sweetpeas will last much longer :( The weather station in the kitchen reported an overnight low of -1.3 brrr.

I guess we have just been spoilt in recent years with (last year excepted) little or no frost to speak of or it being well into late November/early December before winter actually began to bite. One of my colleagues at work in Aberdeen even posted a picture of his car with a fine dusting of snow on it! Way too early for that type of mularkey :)

Still on the plus side the day was bright and clear and as you can see from the picture that lasted all day with only the strangest of thin cloud passing over. Makes for great light at this time of year and much preferred to the eternal greayness of the last few weeks. Not sure it will last tho' I am sure Rob Mcelwee will be along before the weekend forecasting doom and gloom on the weather front once again!

Other news to report; the wine has started to ferment. Him Indoors seems uncommonly pleased with himself. First obstacle overcome in this process.

He was also making noises about getting a new camera for Christmas :D Now how far do I push my luck on that front? Any suggestions as to what to put on my list for Santa?? :)

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