
By Appreciation

Curve Ball

I'm the proud owner of a Fiat Punto. My dream car is either an MG Midget or an old E-Type Jag. Certainly not a BMW Z3. Sorry. I was drawn to the chrome trim here and I loved the reflection of the houses which curved round and hugged it. The brilliant blue sky was also winning against the jet black paint.

A day of being back to... back to football, although with the first thermals of the season.......back to gymnastics, a display next week, where it would seem there is no use for an old witch in an orange leotard - hubble bubble and darm it.... back to late teas and little time to ourselves.

Sneaked use of the laptop. Daughter become all possessive since I returned it yesterday. Isn't there a rule that if you have something for more than 6 days then it automatically becomes yours?

Made use of our first pumpkin today. Soup. Not many takers, shame really cos our pumpkin patch was quite successful. Will have to find ways to disguise it. Suggestions?

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