
By Appreciation

Breathe Baby, Breathe

Back to the doctors today, as my girl has developed an almost Bonnie Tyler type husk to her voice. Now either she started on the Woodbine whilst on holiday with her pal, or the basic right of breath is evading her slightly. We shall soon find out.

Today I scoured the house looking for mirror tiles and glass. I was going to make a Blue Peter light box and mirror box. No problem to me. Was miffed not to be able to find spare mirror tiles in the house, I did have some back in 1995, so where are they now? Not to fear, on to the light box. Bit of mounting board, a few lamps, glass top - Sorted. Not only that, my version collapses and can be stored away easily. Genius. On to the topic, Glass beads, so beautiful and with light bouncing off them, I was bound to improve on the 4th blip of Sparkles. Try as I might I could not get enough light through them. All Tips welcome. Just as I tried to reposition some light fittings from around the house, CRASH. Shattered glass and beads everywhere. Lesson - Stop getting excited and accept my limitations. Blue Peter was good when I was 12, perhaps not so now.

Off out with my girl for an adventure after lunch then. As we ate yesterday's Pumpkin soup with the ever present standby of Tomato soup throw in, she told me of her holiday, the fun she had and the delicious food she ate. She is obsessed with eating. She talked of a lunch she had, 'fantastic, something with a funny french name, it had ham, cheese, bread, oh just lovely'.
'Croque-Monsieur' replied her gastronomic mother.'
'Yes, that's it, delicious - but what's the fuss about it was just a big toastie'
Once again showing her upbringing. Made me laugh out loud for several minutes. Off out and in the park we stopped for a breather on a bench. A bench I will blip another day its very appealing. I practised my - excuse me, would you mind if I took your picture, phrases. She's been practising the looks I think. I could just drown in her open and outstanding beauty here.

Sorry for the obvious pilfering of a blippers identity in the title. I can bake scones if it helps?

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