
By Fisherking

Under an electric moon.....

Up early this morning at what the Daughter calls "Stupid O'Clock" fpr the first match of the winter league. Scraped the frost off the car, loaded up and went to collect Shaun.

When we arrived at the venue the Sun was just rising in the East and in the West was .....the Moon. Couldn't resist the shot through the electric cables, with the pylons and the horizon. After I took the shot I noticed the pink tinge to the sky.

Shaun and I pegged out the water and then as we got ready for the draw, out of a beautiful, clear, blue sky, came a North wind! Because of the orientation of the lake pegs 3,4,5,6,8,9,10 & 11 were all in the shade.....and the wind! Pegs 13.14.15 and 16 were in the Sun and sheltered from the wind

I drew peg 16!!!!!! Shaun drew peg 5!

As the Sun rose higher, the temperature on my side of the lake climbed to about 18 degrees Celsius, the temp on Shaun's side stayed at a steady 2 degrees! As I peeled off two of the four layers I'd put on at stupid o'clock, Shaun fastened his coat tighter and higher up around his neck, put up the hood on his sweatshirt and tried some exercises to keep the blood flowing.

The fishing was ok too, better than the last few weeks, although the big fish didn't show up again (water too cold). I didn't win but with 2lb 14oz came a creditable 5th and won my section , so got my entry fee back.

Shaun......oh, he had 4oz and was last!

Match 6 of the Quiz League tomorrow night. I'll let you know how we get on.

Das vidanya.

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