Deadmaus the Mask

It is Tuesday, and therefore my evening class. As a result I didn't take my camera out today as I would be able to use it tonight and thus chart my progress and blip at the same time. So what do you do when the course is cancelled for the evening and the light has gone? - you harass your son to finish his mask in order than you can blip it.

I had the misfortune today of having to go to the chemist and ask for something to help my red, itchy and slightly swollen eye. Mum came with me. She can never go into a chemist without stealing a spray of some perfume. I left her to it and had a look round. I saw her squirting something on herself before she signaled that it seemed empty. I said, no, I could see something coming out and headed towards the pharmacy.

The pharmacist asked what had happened to my eye. Why is it only at this point that you realise that what you are about to say may induce laughter in others?

'Well, I got red wine in it' says I boldly
'Ah', she smirks, 'then I think we have an allergic reaction'

At this point my mother has joined us at the counter and the whole collar of her coat and her neck are covered in what are now big running drips of foundation. She had mistakenly been spraying that liberally instead of perfume. The look on the face of the pharmacist was priceless.

What more can you expect from a day?

As for the mask, no orders will be taken, this was a once only experiment and was a complete b&*I^%$ to do. The boy however, is thrilled, and so he should be.

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