Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Had a meeting today in deepest darkest fenland. Allowed myself plenty of time to get there and plenty of time to get back and 'Oh dear' not worth going into the office by the time I got home. Faffed about in the cold and drizzle trying to take pics of these turbines on the way home.

Borrowed Mike's car to go and get some new bedding for Jack - got 10 x 25kg bales in the back and could've squeezed another in if had tried harder. Unfortunately the shop was busy and the guy was on his own so I had to load them all myself and then unload them all again at the stables after clearing all the other bedding out - 4 1/2 wheelbarrows full! Ouch!

When I came to get in the car to go home it wouldn't start (crappy battery) so I had to call Mr EG to come and rescue me with some jump leads. Brrr. When I got home A & K were there which was nice and Mr EG made a fire and Italian Bean Stew. Yum Yum. Life is good.

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