I'm a big girl!

12 months + 11 days

Katie now dislikes being offered a sippy cup, now she's mastered drinking from a glass or mug. She will very energetically point at any form of drink receptical, excluding a sippy cup, to make it clear she's thirsty!

I was very excited; yesterday we got her first two-words strung together. I was slightly less excited at the words - 'Want THAT', she demanded, very firmly. But still, it was two words together, in context - as she definitely did want the item to which she was pointing. And wasn't allowed. So she said it again.

Been a good day, we had an at home morning, pottering round. She woke at 4am today, although she dozed off for an hour or so on me, about 6ish. She was totally bouncy at swimming, as were ava and edie, they were all three splashing like crazy.

This afternoon The Cousins came round for a play and tea, Katie went so insanely hyper when they arrived, she was absolutely delighted to see them!

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