I won.

This is the last photo of myself I will scare you with in a while, dear people! It is evening and i had nothing else to blip..

Universe is trying to tell me something. Tonight is the first time I with some confidence say to myself, "I am a photographer". I won the competition. Theme movement with this picture!

Tonight, out of 945 picture, I won. Honestly, i did not believe I had a chance.

From now on, i will only develop, grow and never look back, not believing in myself.

I am not a person who like to brag. i am not a brave person. I do not have a huge self confidence. I only followed 3 themes and sent in 3 pictures and universe, call it god or whatever you like, shown me this is my way. It is my time. I have finally found, what i have been searching for.

When i do something, I do it 180%. i do and do and do. Like blip, I could sit for hours and hours just consuming beautiful pictures and words from all over the world.. The comments i had made me almost high and I was riding on a wave you can call happiness. I met and followed incredible people from all over the globe. I knew somewhere deep inside me the day would arrive once again when I just hit the wall and lose the energy in what i have been doing. That day has arrived.

Blip made me a photographer. You guys, made me a photographer and I cannot thank you all enough.

Now i need to take small steps and focus on the shooting. Go outside, meet people, bring my camera with me. Learn how to use lightroom, organize my photos, build my homepage, be a mother, be a coworker, be a wife.

Now is the time to read the books Grete told me about. I wont have time each evening to look around, answer comments, look at all the pictures around me. I will do it, when i feel i have the time. So much in my "other" life is going on as well. So please people, dont think i am ignoring you...

I wont go away, I will just be a little calmer, more in the background. I NEED to be calmer, coz i finally found, what i am supposed to do and i am scared to death i will loose the energy and hit the wall totally. This become a little blurry, all the words but i am up in the blue...

Love love love from me in sweden, to all of you..

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