
By AnnelieHberg

Puma, the angry cat.

No one home but me and Puma. So i have been trying to do a cat portrait! It ended up with her, the nicest cat on earth, showing me her teeth. Now, she is a mix between Main Coon and forest cat so she has BIG teeth.

I guess I didn't read her signs in time so she HAD to show me she was seriously irritated..

Today I realized some stuff with my camera and if it had been outside in daylight and with a different background it would have been shown. This background has to due, there´s nothing else to do!

Thank you all so much for all of your loving comments and wise words. Mean heaven to me. I have landed today and i have to admit i am a little scared now. How on earth will I be able to produce more pictures..haha! Well, as i typed yesterday while being in a happy aura of affect, there is no looking back, only focus forward!

I wonder if there is a different between very first blip and todays photo... Maybe I developed a little bit more experience..*thinking deeply*

Well folks, time to do something (laundry, dishes etc etc and try to be friend with my cat again).

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