Come and catch me!

12 months + 13 days

We've had a fun day, all be it a long one. After an unsettled night, Katie woke at 3.45, for good. At 5am I gave up trying to get her to settle with me and we came downstairs.

We spent the morning at the play cafe, for one of her little friend's first birthday. She played for a while but mainly just came and snuggled and 'chattered' to her other friend. I've got myself some work out of it as there was a woman doing studio portraits set up in the cafe, and the mums were ranting about the costs. One of the other mums volunteered me to do sensibly priced photos of her kids, and gradually volunteered me to more and more of the others. The woman didn't hear thankfully!

Katie fell asleep in the sling on the way home, and slept for almost two hours. When she woke, the two of us played in her nursery for a while, and she was chasing round and round, carrying in turn a combination of: balls, her coat, a plastic spoon, Monkey, efforts at the camera (unsuccesfully!) She kept charging into the tent and grinning back round at me as if to say 'go on then'.

Mid afternoon we had a bonus visit from Granny and Grandad as they were working near by. Katie sat on Grandad's knee, drawing and chatting to him, very determinedly telling him something, it must be so frustrating as she clearly knew exactly what she meant, but wasn't yet vocalising it as we do. The language skills must develop way faster than the speech as she understands a massive amount that's said to her. She'll definitely be relieved when the speech skills match whats going on in that little head of hers!

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