In Sorelworld...

By sroget

Halloween's a Comin'

I loved these 2 little boys - so cute, especially the Pharaoh costume! I have never seen that for a child before. I always love the feeling of holidays and it's nice that Halloween is so loved in Hong Kong - I did miss this aspect from home when I was living in Switzerland and Australia (there were really no Halloween celebrations there). Here they really get into it - shops decorate, themed food specials, Halloween parties galore. With theme parties throughout the year, all the time is Halloween in HK but 31st October is something really taken to the extreme.

When I looked back at this quick snap later, I was also reminded how cute my neighborhood is. It's rare to find an area like this in HK with all the cafes, trees, little streets and pedestrian areas - really such a gem. I'm lucky.

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