Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Perthshire Colours

The day dawned bright and windless so we headed off to Perth to the monthly Farmers Market. Him Indoors is a closet foodie. He watches every cookery programme on the go and suffers on a daily basis from my standard non foodie fayre. So the plan was to go and purchase some "exotic" local fayre and then try and do something "cheffy" back home.

The market was busy with plenty of stalls showing the best of local produce. We plumped for some venison steaks and then had to wing it for the rest of the meal!!! So a bottle of elderberry wine from Cairn O Mohr was purchased, some parsnips, potatoes and beetroots. Job done :)

We then wandered (huff puff puff) up to the top of Kinnoull Hill. Lovely vista to be had from up there. With views towards Fife and up towards the Highlands. I couldnt help but think about one of my former work colleagues on the walk up. Sadly she took her own life from the top of Kinnoull. She was not the first to do so and no doubt not the last. The walk up is fairly arduous and you have to think about the determination or desperation which drives people to that point

Anyhoo on the way back we stopped of in Cupar and purchased a lovely new camera :) I have come over to the dark side!! The battery is charging as we speak!

The shot is of Kinnoull hill from the bottom as you approach Perth - full of autumn colour

Now I must away and attend to my roasting beetroots and my potato dauphinoise :) If I am not around tomorrow you will know that something did not turn out as planned :)

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