
By dsyglsy


today was a funny day... I was slightly hungover despite only having one glass of wine with lunch and one with my curry yesterday - the injustice! up early for a craft fair which was not particularly well attended, but I did well nevertheless....then back home to try and replenish some stock I'd sold...

a huge crowd of us went down to see the firework display at the school in the evening...here we all are oooo-ing and ahhh-ing like our lives depended on it! then back to lisa's for the last leg of her birthday celebrations. what a laugh...I have photos of b with karen over his shoulders, lisa and b crying with laughter about god knows what, and us all piled on top of each other...and we've all vowed never to play 'articulate' again with a certain overly-competitive person...twas a great night. I think we celebrated the hell out of lisa's birthday. now, who's birthday's next?

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