
By cracker

Noojee Park

This morning Spence and I went for a drive to the park at Noojee. There is a river running along and a fenced in playground. We took some bread to feed the ducks but they flew away before we could even get near them! Spence had a good time throwing the bread for them though, then we sat on the river bank and Spence threw little stones into the water while I took some photos!

We had our morning snack there and played in the playground, then came home. After lunch Spence had his sleep (on the floor of his room as it turned out!!) and I went for a 5.5km (3.4miles) run! It is very hilly around here with two quite bigs ones where I run! I survived though then had a snooze on the couch!!

This is my attempt at a HDR of the park at Noojee!

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