
By Fisherking

.............Lee, and KG (thats me).....

Quiz night again and this is my team mate Lee, originally from West Bromwich.

Firstly, my infected foot is on the mend , thank you for asking. After a day of Ibruprofen, rest and sitting with my foot raised a lot of the pain has gone and the swelling is starting to go down. I can get on my oldest trainers without the laces tied, but am still advised to be off work tomorrow especially as one of my duties would be an hour of invigilation constantly walking around an exam hall.

The Boss chaufferered me to the quiz tonight versus Ramsbottom Cricket Club, hot contenders for the title last year but up and down this year.

The CC adopted the tactic of opting to go second, which seems to be more popular with some teams this year.

Round 1 had some tough questions including "Who was the first British monarch to be buried in Westminster Abbey?",but we managed a 5-4 lead

Round 2 Individuals. I got lumbered with Manor Farm as my theme but fortunately the question was based on the novel Animal Farm so easy-peasy.
Phil however got Edible Testicles for his theme, as he said when he was asked "What name is given to edible testicles and also to a raw egg used as a hangover cure?".........Oh B*ll*cks!
He failed and it was passed over and RCC picked up the bonus, they then failed theirs and P couldn't pick up the modern name of a fruit that had the Inca word for testicle as it's original name. Round 6-5
Total score 12-9

Round 3 won 5-3 to give a total of 17-12

Round 4 Accumulator on the theme of Angelic saw us score all 8 points for
1. The more common name of the statue of the Angel of Christian Charity in Piccadilly Circus, London
2. The Argentinian winner of the 2009 US Masters
3. The name of a long thin pasta
4. The character in Tess Of The Durbevilles who refused to marry Tess.

The CC drew a blank gambling on the winners of the 2009 World Series
Total score 25-12
Round 5 we lost 6-8 , (because we didn't know which chess piece is known as the Jester in France) for a total of 31-20
Round 6 -two part questions was also a bad one for the visitors with them giving over two questions and we won it 10-6
Total 41-26
Round 7 Individuals again and I had Flu, every one on the team picked up their 2 points and Lee and Phil got bonuses for 10-4
Total 51-30
Last round easy 9-4 to us
Final score 60-34, highest score of the night, and our fierce rivals Radcliffe Cricket club lost.

8 and 0, 5 point lead at the top of the League, if we can get to half way undefeated we can afford two slip ups in the second half and still win it all!

Nasdrovya! Das vidanya

Oh, you want the answers?
Edward the Confessor
Prairie Oyster
Angel Cabrerra
Angel Hair pasta
Angel Claire
Anaheim Angels
The Bishop

By the way did you know that taking 400mg of Ibruprofen and sitting with your foot raised makes you fall asleep for 4 hours! Neither did I until today!!!!

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