Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Walking the Dog

Someone commented yesterday that this series of photos is developing into a window on the world. I should have reminded you all, NEVER to amuse me nor encourage me. Now look what you have gone and done!!!

For your silliness you now have another window to look through and I smell a few more on the way. Actually this is proving to be an interesting experiment. This grass bank is about 100 metres long and at one point I can park my car and shoot from the window if needs be due to rain etc. so long as I use my 100-300mm zoom almost fully extended. The really interesting thing though is the wait and the wondering who one is going to see. Today over the course of almost an hour, not one runner showed up and only one cyclist. Today it was grannys, grandads and toddler grandchildren day. Oh! and this lady being taken for her daily walk by a very energetic dog. I am beginning to attract the attention of the regular duck feeders though. I wonder how long it will be before one of them asks to see my paedophiles club membership card. I'm rather looking forward to that encounter!!

Another suggestion made while I was away in Barcelona was that I should make a folder of holiday shots available to anyone who wants to take a peek. Well, they are now up on Facebook and with a bit of luck you may be able to get there by foollowing this link:
See if you can copy and paste it into your web browser. What you will see are thumbnails. Click on the first one and when it comes up larger you should be able to navigate through the rest of them by clicking the NEXT button.

I may be a little quiet on the commenting front for the next few days. I have been mucking about with getting a web site up and running for about two weeks now and nothing is happening fast so I am going to try to concentrate on getting it completed before the end of next week. Forgive me if I don't comment on your picture some days. It doesn't mean I have forgotten you at all.

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