Family 6

By meganrose


I took a really sweet picture, of Farrah's lunch bowl on her knees. Her little hands were curled around the bowl, her feet sticking off the sofa, knees knocked together to stop the bowl from falling. But I still chose this one.

Having a little girl is different than the boys. She quietly goes around the house, leavng a plethora of small plastic toys in piles discarded after a game of 'make believe'. She will happily play all day, no matter where you take her, without feeling the need to become a Power Ranger or a Turtle. She naturally wants to 'mother' and asks if we're ok. She shares (Most of the time) and does as she is told. I am making the most of those particular traits as I expect them to disappear once she starts school!

She's a little ray of sunshine - a giggling, blonde (In every sense) baby. She makes the family quite complete.


Ps - When Liam read yesterdays description he ased 'Why is Rory so clever? He comes out with things like bubbles being like birds'. 'Well', I replied 'he is clever'. 'But, he says some stupid things too mum, and you never put them on here'. Oh, I will one day Liam - I promise.

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