Picture Consequences

By consequences

Sound and safe?

Hewson couldn't help hoping. He was, he reflected, just that kind of person.

So when he saw Adam looking heavy-lidded, his head lolling back slightly, he thought that maybe this time the process had worked. After all, it had always worked in the past, hadn't it?

Apart, he realised, from that old woman they'd tried it on. He tried to push the unwelcome thought away, and focus on the change that seemed to be happening to Cotter.

A few minutes later, the Major gave him the sign that told him it was OK to take off his ear defenders.

Cotter now appeared to be slumped forward slightly, his chin on his chest. Had it been too much for him? He looked towards the Major, saying "you don't think we've..."

Nodding towards Cotter, he replied "why don't you find out for yourself?"

Cautiously, Hewson approached the young man. "Cotter? Adam? How do you feel?"

"You're talking to me?" he replied. "Is what safe? I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you something's safe or not, unless I know specifically what you're talking about."

Hewson looked toward the Major, panic-eyed.

"Oh come on," said Adam. "You're meant to ask me 'Is it safe?' You must know it. Marathon Man? Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier?"

"A film?" growled the Major. "You're speaking lines out of a bloody film?"

Adam looked at the Major, defiant. "Well what else do you want me to do, eh? This is how it must feel to be in the dentist chair with some old nazi asking if it's safe. Just like him, I haven't got a clue what you want from me. Now, is this all over with again, or are you planning to start drilling my teeth as well?"

"Don't tempt me son," the Major replied. Looking to the guy who'd set the equipment up, he snarled "get him out of my sight. Now."

Part Three begins here.

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