
By spitzimixi


this tree/large bush surprises me every year. It's a japanese thingy which blossoms twice a year, once after the first frosts. It smells wonderful and seems to bring a tiny bit of hope of spring at a time when one is either feeling depressed about dark and cold or is panicking slightly about everything that has to be done by the end of the year.

Today was a glorious day, sun was shining and it was really mild. There was a light wind so I could get clothes washed and dried. We planted all the new trees and berry bushes and raked leaves and tidied in the house. All great stuff. Only slightly marred by all three children being in about the most baddest moods that they can summon up. Number one was in one of those moods where the fairness of every parental statement has to be carefully weighed up and judged. Which annoyed me just an ickle-wickle bit. Number two was just her own little taking everything literally self - and, thankfully, she got out of it by about 3pm and the rest of the day with her was lovely. Number three went for the object to everything with earpiercing screams mood, which involved one delightful scene where I was able to drag her screeching from the middle of the road whilst the neighbours watched. yay us!

anyway, here we have the first picture processed on the mac - I'm convinced, it is better! I just have to make the work space a bit better (word escapes me...erogenous is definitely wrong, so is aerodynamic...you know what I mean...so things are in the right place for working...ergodynamic?), then life will be wonderful again. And there's a man on the radio singing "leave my pussy alone" which has given me a fit of the giggles to end the day with....

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