
By dsyglsy

box of nostalgia

we had a great weekend - such a laugh! lots of nonsense and tom-foolery, a bit of a hoo-haa and a general rammy would sum it up. It was ace having ewan up...always wish he could stay longer.

today we all went to mum and dad's for tea...the kids ran riot and we worked on a hilarious secret wee project that we have going...can't say too much, but may blip after the event. my dad was looking for something up in the loft for us, when he saw this wee red vanity box and gave it to daisy. it is mine from when I was a wee girl and it's full of wee figures I used to have displayed in my bedroom back in the 80's. I haven't seen these things for about twenty years and it was such a lovely thing to see again. just little things that I had forgotten about, but that were mine and I had loved them. a keyring of a raisin singing, a clay frog and a snoopy that I had moulded and painted, little wooden bugs and toadstools that my sister and I had got as a present in 1982 when we lived in brazil and some porcelain disney figures that belonged to my mum's auntie peggy.

...and now daisy is loving them too. ace.

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