Knowing me, knowing you

12 months + 26 days

I was entirely indecisive today. I loved this series of shots of Katie playing at my bedroom mirror. I did discount about 5. Which left me with four. Which meant I needed a montage. She has her first bunches in today! And they stayed in, more impressively.

We had a fantastic time at Lets Get, the SureStart group this morning. They've got a gorgeous floor level art easel and Katie did some brilliant drawings with the big fat markers. We did cornflour play (again, they had to lift the tray to the floor so Katie could be included!), pasta play, she played in the den again. She really loves this group. And I got a cuddle with 6 week old baby Amy, always a bonus!

She fell straight to sleep after Lets Get, so we headed home. We've had a fab at home afternoon, just pottering round and playing. She 'helped' me sort the washing, although I think she took things off the hanger as fast as I put them on. We've had lots of new words today, including stairs and door. Yesterday The Cousins had her and I was in the other room and I heard her say 'in there', and they came and told me she was pointing at the door to where we were.

Anyway, it's roast veggies and sausages for tea, she's been eating really well today, lets hope it might bode well for a better night sleep, as otherwise I'm going to have to be doing some tough love stuff in the night. And I don't want to do that.

Edit: I have googled the company who make the beautiful easel and much of the centre's equipment and toys, thinking she may love the easel as a suggestion for grandparents for Christmas. It costs a mere £240. Maybe not.

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