

Blip no. 700.

Life is a rush at present. Arising from a conversation this afternoon I stood still in my front yard, listened and looked. Eventually my eyes rested on a large piece of Beech tree driftwood. I admired it's texture and the beauty wrought by power of the Waimakariri River in full flood. I acknowledged the elegant poise of it's graceful curves and lines.

I could have blipped a fan today. Certainly a lot of stuff hit it today and I'm always one for symbolism and wry humour. But I would have missed the wonder of texture and lines before me, the blessing of sight and the privilege of living in a country where fresh water means we don't face cholera after an earthquake.

Blip does a lot of things for me. Sometimes it reminds me of how fortunate I am and gives me perspective. Sometimes it humbles me.

Thank you.

(Normal blip commenting service should resume shortly).

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