secret garden

By freespiral

a dangerous view

Ferociously bright and frosty start to the day but this is the view I see every day on my way home. There is a small road which looks out to an estuary, the you drive passed farms and suddenly this massive view opens out and you realize you are indeed on a peninsula - you are looking down Dunmanus Bay with the Atlantic beyond. It is highly dangerous for as the view comes into sight the road curves quite sharply to the right and you are in danger of being so gob-smacked that you carry on into the sea! Today it was looking amazing - as sort of mottled sky but with a clear front just coming up over the horizon. I had to park about 500m away and walk down to a field to get this view - two people stopped to ask what I was doing - in a nice rather incredulous way!

Arthouse tonight is 'Partir', French obviously, and sounds interesting in a very French kind of way. The usual complicated study of relationships with everyone somehow connected to each other, looking maddeningly chic and having sophisticated dinner parties and meaningful silences with a bit of angst thrown in - you know the thing.

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