secret garden

By freespiral


Well, according to my statistics I mention the weather three million times more than other blippers - at the risk of being very boring, I'm going to mention it again!! Cold and crisp this morning but by the time I had even reached my car the camera was out! A huge bruise of a cloud was looming over the house. I progressed and only managed about half a mile before I had to pull over, gawp and then take some photos. To the south there were fluffy pink clouds, to the east a blanket of white frost and mist, to the north a massive purple and yellow cloud - and behind me a colossal rainbow!!! And just look at the colour of the mountain! Ayers Rock or what!! Believe it or not, but it was actually hailing as well when I got out to take this photo. The whole thing was just crazy and exhilarating. By the time I got to work, all eight miles of it, I think I had experienced all four seasons, and a few others, and was completely giddy!

Nice short working morning, home to think about Christmas pressies - the family lists are coming through on Amazon! I now have the offer of going to try out a friend's hot tub!! It's new, and it's hot and I think I will!!

Later, it's the Ladies' Book Club - tonight we're discussing Room by Emma Donaghue - highly recommended if anyone's not read it. Very loosely based on the Fritzl case where a young girl was abducted and help captive for many years. It sounds gloomy but actually it's beautifully written from the point of view of the victim's child, and is really a love story. That's my take on it anyway :)

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