Grown up

13 months 3 days

Grown up is exactly what Katie's looked today... I guess the hair slide helped, but looking at her, she's getting a proper neck now, and is losing her baby chubby bits, turning into a beautiful little girl. We've been given some super cute clothes, including the gorgeous onesie she's wearing today. The flowers continue down the legs with bright pockets, she looked fab!

This morning was her MMR/other whatsit booster jabs. She was very brave and didn't cry for long, I don't think she could have snuggled any further in to me during them, bless her!

After clinic we went to tea and toast. I'm guessing the mums liked their photos that we did on Saturday as when we arrived, I was greeted with a bouqet, a chocolate cake that said thankyou on it, and a really kind present.

She had a nap then we had a good play together, reading That's Not My Snowman about 29 times (i don't really exaggerate here). Later on, our little friend Noah and his mum came to see us. Katie kept reaching to hold him, he's 4 months old but not much smaller. She tried to rock his chair, give him hugs.

She's definitely on the up but I think she's still a bit out of sorts as yet again, by 6pm she was totally past it and is snuggled up tight in bed with Monkey

EDIT: Please welcome Ava to blip!! xx

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