Look, Mummy!

13months 4 days

Well, like much of the nation, we've woken to snow... Katie and I watched the sunrise and the snowfall over the village and the countryside. She was fascinated. Just like she was the
first time she saw snow. The shot is taken with my arm out the window, don't worry, she wasn't left on her own!

We're went to Montessori this morning, it was quiet, probably snow-related. She spent most of the session in the wooden swing, it's her favourite thing there now. She also spent a while in the pasta tray, but is a little less keen now its on a stand as she cant reach as easily!

We went out with a friend afterwards, hunting her Christmas present.... I hadnt been convinced about actualyl buying something today, I like to shop around, know i'm getting the best price, but we ended up finding some cracking bargains from the Happyland range at Early Learning Centre, seemed too good to risk them not being there.

We took her to Monkey Bizness for the first time later and she totally loved it. In the toddler bit, there's a really steep but short slide and she was super impressed with that. There's the best sensory bit that i've seen in one of these places, and a huge bumpy slide in the 4+ bit, which she went on happily!

The snow hasn't come to much, but we'll see what overnight brings!

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