
By Fisherking

....a frozen point in time......

Can't believe we've not had snow this week.

The temperature has been around or below freezing all week so far, there's been the odd cloud but generally we've had clear bright blue skies and sunshine. All this in Manchester renowned as one of the wettest places on Earth!!!

Was supposed to go and see Dad and Sis this morning but we got up and checked the weather forecast..........not promising. Rang Dad and he informed me they'd had about 6 inches of snow overnight, it was still snowing and heavy snow was promised for the afternoon. We decided disgression was the better part of valour and postponed until....maybe next weekend....who knows with this weather?

Went to see the boys instead to be greeted by the scene above, all our lakes frozen solid, no surprise really. So, no fishing tomorrow, my days of breaking ice to fish are over! We'll probably still meet up for a couple of hours and shoot the breeze though! Then I think the Boss has plans for Christmas shopping! Oh, Joy!

Dad called back this evening, he has a date for his operation, January 11th, needs someone to take him to the hospital and bring him home and then stay with him for 24 hours. Might be a problem if we get "The visit", will have to have two plans just in case.

The Boss and I are about to have Pizza and then it's "Casuality" on T.V. for her and Manchester United hammering 7 past Blackburn for me!

Das vidanya.

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