Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Yet another beautiful day

I was up before The Boy was home from work today and once again, awoke to a world of white and it was snowing too!

I patiently waited for it to get light enough for it to be safe to walk along the canal and then headed out for another morning walk. Being earlier and a Sunday there were far fewer people as I trudged through the fresh snow at the edge of the path. It was so peaceful.

As the snow fell on me I learnt some valuable lessons for our holiday:

1) I need a hat that I can took my hair up in to, it was soaked by the time I was home.

2) I really need to be able to wear contact lenses. About 20 minutes in to the walk I gave up and took off my glasses because I could see more with my poor vision than I could through the steam and snow on my glasses

3) fleece gloves are not conducive to good snow ball/man making, you ball up the snow, pack it tight and then as you move your hands apart, all the snow remains welded to your gloves.

4) I need a lot more snow between now and February so that I can work out what on Earth I need to do with my camera to get the correct exposure and less blue in snow shots.

Done some backblipping

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