In Tru Life

By TruLife

Sparkle The Snow Cat!

We had more snow today and boy was it deep! Madeleine was off school again and spent a long time playing a very strict school teacher with her imaginary (and very naughty) school children! I love listening to her play usually but today she was getting quite cross. Seems she was venting as she said "That's how my teacher sounds when she's cross!"... oh dear!

I went for a walk to the nearby co-op for some food for dinner and took my backpack and wore 3 jackets! I quite liked getting some peace and quite and enjoying the snowy landscape all by myself. Of course I did meet several mums I knew so had a natter x 3!

When I came back I was still enjoying the snow so suggested to Maddy we make some snow animals or a family. Once outside I realised the snow wasn't sticking when I rolled it so we made a snow cat and scooped & patted, rather than rolled. This is the result of our efforts... Sparkle The Snow Cat!

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