Snow Princess

13 months 12 days

All snuggled up ready to venture out this morning. Another (!!!!!!) Snow Day here. Its getting a touch frustrating that we can't leave the village. Mind you, if I had managed to dig my car out, drive through the ice and fog and get to gymnastics, I'd have been really narked- they cancelled it but didn't bother ringing to tell people.

Anyway, a friend decided we needed something to do so they organised for there to be an extra tea and toast session, so we went there and stayed till gone 12. My tired little lady had her nap afterwards, then it was just a pottering afternoon.

We bumped into the Cousins in Tescos, which she was very excited about, although a tad irritated when i wasn't letting her out of the trolley and off to play with them.

We came home and she did nothing but eat from the moment we got in until she went to bed! With her belly full, she reached exhaustion point so had a high speed bath and almost fell asleep in my arms as I snuggled her dry.

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