
By Fisherking

....snow is falling all around me...

For once the weather forecast was right, snow at 6.00p.m...... and there it was starting at 6.01!

Busy day at work today, full teaching day and I missed my eagerly anticipated fag break with Hebs because she went home early to a sick little boy.Compensation came in the form of Jelly Beans and chocolate, gratefully partaken of by all the Faculty.

A little girl approached my bench in the middle of this morning's lesson on distillation and handed over a Christmas card. Written inside was "Thanks for being a great teacher". Christmas cards are de riguer for teachers but it's not often you get a message like that, makes it all worthwhile.

I love the way that this shot worked out, I wanted to catch the individual flakes, but I didn't expect to get the flare on some of them from the camera flash.

Yesterday's winge is a distant memory. the only grey cloud on the horizon is our impending visit and the fact that the goal posts have moved again. I hope we get the visit early next week so that it's over and done with before Christmas, don't really want to go back for a new year still waiting for the call.

No fishing again this week so the Boss and I are going to go into Manchester to the Continental Market, drink some gluwein, eat some reindeer burgers and possibly buy a stolen and some presents.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Das vidanya and Zhih-la yu uspychka

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