In Tru Life

By TruLife

A Christmas Card Blip!

Loving the snow and how it makes my garden look. I know it's causing disruption everywhere and making everything come to a standstill but beautiful things sometimes cause trouble! I took some crackers but I loved this the best as it reminds me of a Christmas card. I love the contrast of the fencing and the snow. I also did a painted version!

The other reason I'm loving the snow is my new backpack carrier which I just love! It's brilliant, so light and doesn't even make my back (a very dodgy one) hurt one bit! Flori was chattering away and trying to tell me something I know but what exactly I do not! She seems to like it too!

Apart from school runs we did little else but I did do some work on the computer and open hundreds of emails!!

Oh and Floriana took her first steps!!! She's been standing on her own for a few seconds and loves the feeling, but today she slipped herself out of her seat until she was standing up then pushed herself off the seat and stumbled 2 steps to my arms!!!! Wow and wow and wow I want to jump up and down! Do you think I am excited or what?

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