Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

An early visitor?

We managed to drag ourself up the slippery iced pavements to swimming this morning. My lungs really took a beating with that cough a few weeks back, only managed half the distance I normally would, and needed my inhaler. Thankfully the pool was really quiet due to the weather.

The world looked beautiful on our walk, the hard frost from the night before had sprinkled glitter across the world.

On the way home, we noticed a frosty santa perched on a wall. Normally we would save lost toys like this but it felt wrong to take away the Christmas cheer from other passers by.

Headed out in the afternoon to buy a christmas tree. Unfortunately I got about three doors down before my feet went from under me and I smacked down on to the ice. Thankfully no major damage, twisted ankle and knee, bruised hip and wrenched wrist (when will I learn that wrists will not break a fall!) The nice man clearing his car helped me up and The Boy came down to my rescue. I think I need some of these if winters are going to continue like this.

Maybe tomorrow's hunt for a tree will be more successful!

Done some backblipping

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