Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

"Have you got a licence love?"

Revelling in the joy of being able to walk on the pavements without there being a layer of ice on them, skippygirl and I headed off to the German market.

After some very tasty spicy German sausage, I was taking some photos whilst skippygirl was looking at one of the stalls, when a burly security guard wandered over and politely asked me if I had a licence to be taking photos. I replied by saying that I didn't need one as it's a public area, to which he replied that I did, because it's a licenced event and I needed permission from the Council.

He was nice and wasn't making an issue of it, so I didn't, and he didn't ask to see the photos I'd taken or anything. He gave me a card with details of who I should contact to get permission and just said it's in case people want to use the photos for commercial reasons.

I've seen a number of blips recently of German markets, including two that I know have been taken at the one here in Leeds and haven't heard of anyone else being asked. Also, what if you want to take pictures of friends/family during a visit to the market?

In the end, the pictures I'd taken weren't great so here's one of the Victoria Arcade instead. Some bits of Leeds are architecturally very beautiful and this is a really good example, especially decked out for Christmas.

The incident at the market had knocked my confidence a bit, so it's more of a quick snap than I would have liked, but hopefully it still conveys the prettiness of the arcade.

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