Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Thank You

I know the title seems to have nothing to do with the image, but I'll come back to that in a moment...

I've mentioned before, that I love books. I'm also a big fan of libraries - particularly university libraries. However, I've always found there to be something creepy about the stacks, specifically ones like these which are 2 floors below ground level and pretty much deserted. The library to which these stacks belong is also circular which adds to the sense of disorientation. As regular viewers will know though, I like spooky and therefore I like the stacks :-)

So, back to the title. Last night I ran a quiz here on campus, to raise money towards the Peruvian trek I'm doing in May in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. I enjoyed it and I realised that if the current government succeeds in its attempts to destroy this country's universities, then I might set myself up as a freelance quizmaster.....

I was really pleased at how many of my colleagues came out to support me (even though a couple of them really need to learn how to whisper answers more quietly ;-)

At the risk of this sounding like an acceptance speech at the Oscars, I want to thank two of my favourite blippers: wintersixfour and longshanks for their support. My picture round was only made possible thanks to wintersixfour kindly providing me with a selection of his amazing FMSR blips, and the general knowledge round was courtesy of longshanks, who'd got hold of two full sets of pub quiz questions which he then emailed me out of the blue.

One of the things that's struck me during my time in the world of blip is how supportive the people on here are and the fact that two people who've never met me, have put in time and effort to help me put the quiz together, has made me come over all uncharacteristically warm and fluffy (hence the need for a slightly spooky b&w blip to counteract such fluffiness).

And a final thank you has to go to the undisputed star of the quiz, which is the very talented and surprisingly bendy TK-64

And this looks creepier larger

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