
13 months 19 days

Katie is still fascinated by the 'ballbles'. She's so gentle with them, just touching them and knocking them together.

It's been a lovely day. We had a great time at gymnastics with Ava and her mummy. Katie really liked a duck game that we played, although she didn't like that you had to put the duck into the "chimney" box. We went to softplay afterwards, which was really quiet so Katie went off and explored. Although not for too long before she decided, as always, that she was starving. While she sat and ate all the mini crackers I'd taken, I got big snuggles from Ava. Katie was rummaging for more so we took the girls for their dinner.

Both girls ate their lunches rather well, I love to see it when they're both enjoying their eating, they both are really good with forks, spoons and finger foods. They do pretty darn good for two children with only 5 teeth between them!

After a sleep (for Katie) we went to the play cafe with little Emma and her mum before coming home for tea. I did linguine with mediterranean veg - Katie ate most of hers, her pudding and then tucked into mine, with my fork. She then went completely hyper, running around starkers before her bath!

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