Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Tight Squeeze

I heard an ambulance with it's Blues and Twos on stop suddenly in the street. On going over to investigate, it was unable to pass a bus coming the other way. Thankfully there was a parking space spare and with a little directing from the paramedic, they managed to squeeze past.

In other news:

I posioned myself this morning with some flapjack. Thankfully I realised a few bites in that something wasn't right with the taste so was able to take stuff to counteract the effects. It did however stop us going swimming.

Later in the day we took a stroll up to Bruntsfield to get a Christmas tree. They wanted £50 for the smallest cut tree that they had. I really wish I'd stopped the guy we saw with a little potted one and asked where he got his.

Full house tonight as my old flatmates B and K have come through ready for my annual Christmas party tomorrow.

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