As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Got Nothin' But Time On Our Hands...

Monday....I feel like the moment I put my head to my pillow last night, it was already time to get up. :(

Orchestra concert tomorrow. I'm so nervous for my solo. I hope I do it justice...

Bad news: Hedge is retiring. :( Coach Hedgecock, our beloved cross country coach is retiring and moving south. It was bound to happen eventually....his family lives down there and I've heard his age range from 60 to 75, with my guess being closer to 70. The whole team is devastated. Hedge is a legend. I've been told that he is the most winning-est cross country coach in my county. He's been coaching here for something close to 30 years. He told the older kids first, and all of them were bawling. I can understand why. It eventually trickled down to little old me. I know I'm being selfish, but I feel jipped. I only had him for ONE YEAR and he's not even going to be coaching spring track. If I had known about this during the season, I would have cherished it a whole lot more than I did. I was looking forward to spending the rest of my high school running career with him as my mentor. Now he'll never see me at my fastest... :( One of Jill's blips was her and Hedge at her Varsity Dinner in her senior year. I know this is stupid, but as the season came to an end and I saw this picture, I was thinking about when I would be a senior and I would get to take my picture with Hedge.... :(

What a sad Monday...

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