Art Deco

A bottle of wine, an evening at the theatre and his Lordship has recovered his joie de vivre.
The wheel chairs, the mobility scooters and the sticks are still there but we no longer feel overwhelmed by them.

It's another whole day at sea today. Who would have thought that Madeira was so far away when it's just a hop, skip and a jump by aeroplane.
We seem to have been sailing through a huge, heaving expanse of the North Atlantic with not a sight of land since we left Southampton on Tuesday.

The sunrise this morning was spectacular. A swathe of first orange and then red stealing over the horizon to chase away the dark grey clouds of the night sky.
And then the dazzling red lip of the sun peeping over the edge of the sea.
Suddenly night has been transformed into a new day and we get out of bed to get dressed and go down for breakfast.

Later there will be the gym, a walk round the deck, a drinks reunion with our train companions, and the theatre again after we have dinner.

Three weeks of this and it will be hard to return to normality.

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