As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Pistol Shootout.

I woke up and my throat hurt and I had a headache. :( I've been dreading getting sick. Everyone in my school seems to have some form of illness and I don't like missing school for any reason because then I get behind and have to make up work and I never fully catch up. So, I got to school, did yoga in gym 1st period (which felt good but I was just in such a bad mood...), and then watched a video on the flu infecting an English woman. Interesting video, but it didn't make me feel any better about me feeling sick. I could barely move my arms in orchestra and English was absolutely horrible. I cannot stand my teacher's complicated way of explaining things or her total lack of explanations. She doesn't even know what she's talking about! I'm basically being taught through my friend Kaitlin (her mom is an English teacher one town over). GRRRRRRRR ENGLISH!!!

I still felt sick in math and my teacher noticed that I was in a foul mood and asked what was wrong. I told him how I was feeling and he said that I shouldn't come to track practice today (he's one of the coaches...kind of...I'll explain later). So I started to eat my lunch like I always do even though I WASN'T HUNGRY!!!!! That never happens! I'm always hungry. So I ate it and put in my iPod and listened to Speed of Sound by Coldplay. I'm not sure why, but I started to feel better. Then, I kept feeling better and better as the day went on. I guess I'm very connected with music.

Alyssa was having a bad day. She's the smartest girl in the school, captain of the JV volleyball team, and all around do-gooder. She was unhappy with some of her grades (if I say them you'll still think they're great but they're not good enough for kids like us) and a few of her teachers were just being ridiculous. I talked it out a little with her during lunch but we talked more after school. She had a ton of stuff to carry but she was being stubborn and wouldn't let me help her. I eventually succeeded in carrying her boxes of cookie dough (band fund-raiser) and two bags with books in them. Then we walked into one of the science rooms to have our Rube Goldberg meeting.

Mrs. M teaches a science research class in the high school and they are entering a Rube Goldberg competition. We stalk her all the time so we found out that the contest was open to anyone in the school. Naturally, we all signed up. I think we have a pretty intelligent group and I think we will succeed in our Rube Goldberg-involved endeavors.

I went to the physics room for science olympiads today. I was waiting for Kenny so we could go on a run. I talked to Kimmy for quite a while about a ton of things. Then I went on a nice six mile run with Kenny. I tend to talk trash about him a lot because he's really annoying and rude, but he's really not all that bad once you get to know him.

I got home around 5:15. At 8:15, I left to go ice skating with Peter, Mike, Kevin, Nick, Meg, and Carissa. I had loads of fun! At about 9:30, we went to get some food from the concession area. There was a game called Stackers and I played it and won a water pistol. After getting one, I got two more, one for Kevin and the other for Peter. We were fooling around with them when a kid that had a blue one started to shoot us (fake, of course). We retaliated. We were all running around and crawling under tables and rolling behind people. But then he threw a grenade at us! Luckily, Peter caught it and through it back, but the other kid threw it away again. I held one of his friends hostage but he shot me before I could kill the hostage. Then, he called in a predator missile! We all died. :( But the battle didn't end there. We all went out onto the ice and resumed the action there. We skated around trying to "shoot" eachother. Eventually, it was time for the session to end. I think we won. :)

Now I'm home and I'm tired...

"Climb up, up in the trees. Every chance that you get is a chance you seize." - Speed of Sound, Coldplay

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