All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Take This (That) ... and party!

Well here's my rant from last night!

I left my work night out to get the train home. It was standing room only and I managed to stand next to a group of Geordies who were engaging in friendly banter about where they came from. It soon turned nasty though (something to do with wrong side of the river mentioned) and threatened to get physical. When the train arrived at Uphall, some of the guys physically pushed one of the others out the open doors and stopped him getting back on, with lots of swearing and shouting going on. Scary stuff!

So I was relieved when the train pulled in at the next stop and I could get my car for the drive home. However ..... the blooming car wouldn't start! I ended up calling the AA who said they'd be out in the next hour. 45 minutes later they called back to say they hadn't any patrols who could come out and the local garages were refusing to come out to me till at least 7.30am as they felt the roads were too dangerous! Huh? So much for a lone woman being a priority! They did offer to arrange a taxi for me which I acepted. So I waited, and waited, and waited ... an hour later they called back again to say they hadn't been able to get a taxi for me either so they had called the police to see if they could help. However apparently the police asked why I couldn't just walk home! (An hours walk in the pitch black, icey pavements at 2.30am)! I'd been on the phone to hubbie several times in between to give him updates and at this point he decided enough was enough. Poor Ethan got woken up, bundled in the car and hubbie came to the rescue. We were half way home when my mobile rang ... it was the police "we're on our way to get you"! Too blooming late! Eventually got home at 4am by which time Ethan was wide awake and ready to party and refused to go back to sleep in his cot. Eventually got him to sleep at 5am in our bed.

In the afternoon we had a party to go to at Trulifes house. We were absolutely knackered but determined to go and were glad we did cos we had great fun. She lives near my sister so dropped off her Christmas card on the way home.

I then had a quick turnsaround to get ready for another night out with Mrs 42 , MissusB and some other new mummies. We had a great meal followed by a Take That tribute band. Mrs42 was being her usual shy and retiring self and managed to come to their attention. Next thing she knew, she was being dragged up on the stage and being serenaded with "A million love songs" - fab! (I know the quality of the photo is rubbish - having real camera problems tonight but I just had to use it)!

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