All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ho ho ho

After my night out last night, I was wakened by Ethan at 5am. So yet again he ended up in our bed but at least he went back to sleep quickly and slept till 8am. Hubbie was then a star and fed Ethan his milk and took him downstairs, letting me lie in till 11am. Wonderful!

We had a lovely afternoon. We haven't been to Almond Valley Heritage Centre for ages, but popped up today and took Ethan to see Santa there. He was rather unsure though and as his lower lip started to wobble when he was sitting on Santas knee, we decided to go and see the animals instead! (Not before getting a pressie though)! We also bumped into one of the community midwives who paid me lots of home visits when I was pregnant with Ethan. As the only time I saw her after Ethan was born was when he was still in SCBU, she had never actually met him. So it was wonderful to bump into her and for her to meet Ethan at long last!

We then went to The Centre to do a few last minute bits of Christmas shopping before a mammoth trek round Morrisons. Ethan was a wee angel considering it was well past his tea time. Will his angelic behaviour continue throughout the night? Hmmmmm ... let's wait and see!

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