All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Long Climb

I don't want to speak too soon but last night, the constant run of bad nights sleeping from Ethan was broken! Bed at 8pm, woke crying around 1.30am but self settled within a few minutes and didn't wake again till 7.10am - yay! Shame I had a rubbish nights sleep myself (always seems to work out that way when Ethan sleeps well)!

We had a lovely day together today. He was playing with a lot of his new toys in the morning in ways that I've not seen before (rather than just sitting with them he was crawling around pushing the ones with wheels) and really getting in to it. He also decided to show off his new found climbing skills by climbing up the stairs in record time! He looks so pleased with himself when he reaches the top, bless him!

Late morning, I went for a short walk with him in the Baby Bjorn. I think it will be the last time I attempt that though because I really struggled today and my back was killing me after only 10 minutes. He only slept for 20 minutes when we got back because he woke himself up with a big coughing fit!

A quick trip to the post office in the afternoon was followed by a drive out to the Health Centre as he was due his next lot of jags. It was only 1 injection today thank goodness and although he yelped when they did it, a quick cuddle from me and he was happy again a few minutes later.

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