All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Too tired to eat!

Ok so I spoke to soon in my blip yesterday. Another rubbish nights sleep from Ethan. He was fine up till 4am but woke screaming then and it took me an hour and a quarter to get him back to sleep. He then woke again half hour later but self settled but was up for the day only an hour after that. I got no sleep whatsoever after 4am. Not good!

I had hoped to take him to Bounce & Tickle today as we haven't been for ages due to the snow. But I was so tired, we didn't even get dressed till nearly lunchtime! I also couldn't face the battle of trying to get him to nap in his cot so decided to wait till we went out after lunch. However after 2 mouthfuls he refused any more food and suddenly fell asleep in the highchair! We were due to visit my sister at her work so I had to phone her to tell her we'd be late!

We eventually made it in to her work in Edinburgh just before 2pm. I spent some time in the steam room / sauna / jacuzzi while Ethan apparently had great fun with her in the creche. Thanks sis for watching him for me!

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