
By Fisherking

....the food to spare inside....

Sometimes I think I'm in the wrong job.

The Boss and the Daughter both work for a well known medical company.

They often get little gifts....... we have several company mugs.........Easter eggs........the odd bottle of wine........posh pen and pencil sets.........Selection boxes at Christmas.

This year they thought they weren't getting any gifts what with the credit crunch etc.

And then today they both came home clutching one of these, a nice little box containing a bottle of wine, organic chocolate, individual plum pudding, cheese biscuits and breakfast marmalade and a little card thanking them for their work this year.

How nice is that? I've worked for the same local authority in the same institution for 31 years, and I didn't even get a certificate for 25 years even though we are supposed to............ they just stopped doing them!

I know I'm appreciated where I work, but it would be nice to be appreciated by the Town Hall as well.

Todays Christmas fact.....Why do we dream of a white Christmas?

Because there was a white Christmas for the first 8 years of Charles Dickens' life. In 1843 Dickens incorporated his child hood memories into "A Christmas Carol" The story ws a runaway success and left a lasting image in the public subcomscious that a really good Christmas should be white. Exactly a century later this idea was reinforced by the film "Holiday Inn" and the famous song, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas".
Strangely, officially England had only two white Christmasses in the entire 20th Century, in 1938 and 1970, the vast majority of Christmas days were in fact sunny!!

Das vidanya, my friends

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