Merry Christmas 2010

14 months 4 days

Katie woke at 3.30 am. It may not have been excitement at presents, but it was definitely awareness of things being different. She spent an hour exploring the room we're staying in before finally allowing me to convince her to go back to sleep. She got up properly at 7, but we pottered round til 8 whilst the household woke and rose. Katie was entertained by some wonderful festive sock dancing from Uncle Simon and some stealing of Grandad's rice pudding.

The present opening began, of course, with Katie. The first thing she opened was a bag of pretend food. That was it, she didn't want to know about anything else. She wandered round taking things in and out, waving it, putting it on her arm and off again. She had no interest in any other presents for a good twenty minutes! Eventually she opened a few more, and was quite taken with her garage. Not as taken as Uncle Simon was though! She did then enjoy lining her new happyland animals up it's tracks!

She had a small taste of bacon buttie, our traditional christmas breakfast, but not before she'd spotted Granny's milky bar selection box and had waved it at her until she allowed Katie to have one.

We've been to Church this morning, always a very happy, relaxed short service with lots of very dear people. She was very tired on the way home so is now in bed, no doubt sleeping up a good appetite for Christmas lunch, which Uncle Simon is currently creating, having built her new play kitchen ready for when she wakes.

We will spend an afternoon working through the rest of Katie's presents, attempting to stop Katie prodding whichever people decide it's nap time, and lots of playing with new toys.

The evening is spent in a big family gathering at my aunts house, lots and lots of cousins, more presents, much food, silly games, and lots of laughter, always a very special time.

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