jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Sum total

The sum total of the potatoes harvested out of one of the growing-bags of potatoes we planted earlier this year. I have to confess to neglecting them when the frosts started, although prior to that I was feeding and watering them! They were supplemented by new potatoes from the greengrocers and had with a roast ham. VERY delicious. Ben loved the baby potatoes and the green beans (will wonders never cease?!) but the ham must've been too salty for him as he kept trying it and saying "Ben no like." He even had a mouthful of christmas pudding, and swallowed it instead of spitting it out!!

Yesterday's back blip - given that it was 1am by the time I'd got round to getting the pictures off the camera and sorting them out and flickring them, we decided to go to bed and blip today instead!

Today mum and I left Ben with Steve and dad and went out for a wander. I had my new boots on (I love my new boots - in the shop, paying for them, and somebody FAR trendier than I was trying on a pair to buy too!) and was tottering about the house. They have heels. I am not very used to heels. However, before I go any further, I would just like to point out that I did not need the emergency pair of sensible flat shoes that I took in my new mary poppins bag (a present!). Neither did I need the elephant that I discovered in my bag during lunch either.

We had lunch out, we mooched around shops, we looked at some churches hoping to look inside to take pictures, but town churches tend to be closed when they're not being used for one thing or another, so we didn't get in to any. We had coffee, we mooched around some more shops, bought some bits and bobs (discovered a fantastic shop for the next time I'm doing a cake!!), went home - Ben had fallen asleep downstairs and slept a full hour and a half. I think the past few days are catching up with him. He is knackered! Took me a while to leave him in bed. He was asleep fairly quickly but just didn't want to let me go.

We've had the Cake Cutting Ceremony since then. Wine and cheese and cake and lingonberry bread and cups of tea and chocolate and stuff. This is Steve's picture of the cake cutting, he says if he gets round to it he will blip it!

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